Zach Tech 应用

SMS Locker 1.0.2
Zach Tech
SMS locker is a free android applicationthatlets you lock your personal messages from prying eyes.This app is developed keeping in mind the necessity topreservepersonal SMS safe and secure and very much private.Through SMS locker, you can assign a few of your contactsasprivate. In such a case, the messages send by your privatecontactwill be secure and would need you to provide an unlock codeto viewit. In this way, it ensures your personal messages remainpersonal.If your unlock password is incorrect, you will not be ableto viewthe message.There are very few people who do not have a secret. For alltherest, this app is just apt in that you are more at ease fromyourfriends or family discovering your private messages in yourinbox.Unless you open the app using the correct password, you willnot beable to view the messages sent by those contacts youcategorized asprivate.Now you no longer need to delete your messages for fear ofpeoplereading them. Everything is safe with SMS locker, i.e. It issmart,efficient and much more user friendly.A word of assurance; Try this and you will love it.